

BP oembed / Activity Reloaded is it needed?

  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 72
    Vivek Mathur on #31536

    Hi, I am trying to post a link of an image in the uploads folder (uploaded thru the directory plugin on my site, which has a gallery), but in BP the oembed does not work and only the link gets displayed and not the image.

    Any suggestions on how I can post an image link and display the image ( i thought oembed should do it, as it is working for other links of my site’s posts/CPTs, as well as external links)

    I know your Activity Plus Reloaded plugin can do it (tried it), but since the users would have already uploaded the images in the directory gallery i dont want them to have to upload it again. Also i do not want to have videos and other links options that the plugin has – basically I thought oembed should do the job without requiring another plugin.

    link e.g:

    Any suggestions on this would be a huge help. thanks!


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #31537

    Hi Vivek,
    Thank you for the question.

    If you are linking to media directly, they will not be embedded. Media is a different kind of resource that WordPress post/pages.

    In order to embed, WordPress needs to generate the content for representing the url. In case of post page, it is able to do so but in case of directly linked media, It is unable to determine the actual content.

    You can embed a media attachment page though. That will work.

    The activity plus plugin currently downloads the media. I am assuming this plugin won’t be needed when BuddyPress 7.0 comes and we will most probably have a better media support.


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