I have removed the custom code but the error does not show inside the theme on the page but it is showing in the url address bar as below
I removed the custom redirection code but the ?login=failed still shows in the url as indicated above
It’s quite weird that the error shows in the address bar but not in the theme
similar problem was indicated here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31066775/how-to-retrieve-wp-error-in-custom-login-form
I finally found the culprit which is a plugin called page restrict at https://wordpress.org/plugins/pagerestrict/ when I deactivated the plugin the login errors are now showing
Thanks for your patience and support
I was also wondering if you can enable support for either of this 2 plugins to display limit login attempts counter on the bp branded login page for security reasons.
https://wordpress.org/plugins/limit-attempts/Hello sir,
I will be expecting your feedback on the login attempts counter on the bp branded login using
https://wordpress.org/plugins/limit-attempts/Thanks for the recent update it works. Now for better security I do not use username to login but only email address with custom login error message. When I applied the code below in my functions.php. The login error that shows is (invalid request) instead of (Invalid email or password) as indicated in the code below, also the limit login attempts does not work with the code below. Is there another way to achieve login with email address only without any form of compromise with the bp branded login plugin.
remove_filter('authenticate', 'wp_authenticate_username_password', 20); add_filter('authenticate', function($user, $email, $password){ //Check for empty fields if(empty($email) || empty ($password)){ //create new error object and add errors to it. $error = new WP_Error(); if(empty($email)){ //No email $error->add('empty_username', __('Email field is empty.')); } else if(!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)){ //Invalid Email $error->add('invalid_username', __('Invalid email or password.')); } if(empty($password)){ //No password $error->add('empty_password', __('Password field is empty.')); } return $error; } //Check if user exists in WordPress database $user = get_user_by('email', $email); //bad email if(!$user){ $error = new WP_Error(); $error->add('invalid', __('Invalid email or password.')); return $error; } else{ //check password if(!wp_check_password($password, $user->user_pass, $user->ID)){ //bad password $error = new WP_Error(); $error->add('invalid', __('Invalid email or password.')); return $error; }else{ return $user; //passed } } }, 20, 3);
Thanks for your support
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