

Buddy Press Member Type Generator support

  • Participant
    climates on #9471

    I’ve installed the generator on the site to create two different member types. There’s a permissions problem whereby a visitor to the site can click on a member where they are listed on the members’ page and it will link through to the member profile but a logged in member cannot do this and gets a 404 page. This appears to be a permissions issue but I can see no option to alter permissions on the backend of the plugin in the admin panel. Please can you advise how to alter the permissions so as to allow members to view each other’s profiles.

  • Keymaster
    Level: Yogi
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 3050
    Ravi on #9472

    Hello Climates,

    Thank you for posting here. Have you tried after deactivating the plugin. Is the issue still persist or not. Please let me know Because it is default behaviour of BuddyPress where a visitor or logged-in user can view other user’s profile and other allowed user’s components.

    Thank You

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