

BuddyBlog error leaving a comment and uploading media

  • Participant
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    Kreatsya on #17733


    Leaving a comment or a reply on BuddyBlog worked fine until yesterday. Now when a user wants to leave a comment, a blank page appears with this warning “The reCAPTCHA wasn’t entered correctly. Please use your browsers back button and try again.” I’ve been using Chrome.

    Second thing, when a user wants to upload a media, the page becomes darker and when the user clicks to “upload media” at the bottom of the page, nothing happens except that the page gets lighter again and the “upload media” box is gone. I tried disabling uploading media for users all together but then the blog page won’t load at all, instead being stuck on the loading screen.

    Thanks in advance!


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #17734

    Hi Kreatsya,

    Are you using some plugin to add captcha? BuddyBlog does not add it and I am guessing that the error is caused by that plugin.

    Also, can you please share me a screenshot of the add/edit post page? I have checked the upload and it is working for me.

    Thank you

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    Kreatsya on #17756

    Hi Brajesh!

    I figured out that the reCaptcha was indeed enabled so I disabled it and now it works fine.

    For the upload media part, here’s the screenshot https://prnt.sc/l16mn7 . As you can see, it’s dark and when I click anythere on the screen including the “upload files” it disappears altogether. It happens both when I click “add media” and “set featured image”

    Thank you for your help!

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    Kreatsya on #17757

    One other thing i figured – when leaving a reply on a blog post of a different user, the comment is automatically approved/published. When leaving a comment on my own blog post it says that it needs approval and in my admin comments area I can see that my comment to my blog post is waiting to be approved. Is there a way to set user comments on their blog posts to be automatically approved?

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #17759

    Hi Kreatsya,

    1. Media upload:- It seems something is blocking the Media modal to be loaded. Pleae check browser console and see if you can find something.

    2. Comment approval:- It is controlled by WordPress discussion settings(Dashboard->Settings->Discussion). Most probably your own account does not have an approved comment and WordPress is flagging new comments as pending. You can change this from discussion settings.


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    Kreatsya on #17764

    Thank you for your reply. How can I check the browser console and what should i search for there?

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #17766
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    Kreatsya on #17782

    I haven’t searched the browser console yet because the same problem appears on Chrome, Safari, Mozilla, and Safari for mobile, so it’s not just one particular browser. For media upload I’m using rtMedia and when a user (or me) wants to upload their media, it happens without the problem. I already have a few pics uploaded on a test user’s profile. It’s only when I want to upload a media on BuddyBlog that it doesn’t happen. Do you have any idea what could be causing this problem?

    Thanks in advance!


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #17784

    Hi Kreatsya,

    It seems there is a confusion. I did not say it is browser specific. I said tha it is most probably a javascript error you should look into console.

    It does not matter which browser’s console you check. Since chrome has a nice document, I linked it for you.

    Also, as of the media modal is concerned, I can assure that it is not cause by our plugin. We are simply using WordPress default editor and all the work is done underneath by WordPress itself.

    Something else is misbehaving with the WordPress media modal and causing it. If you check our plugin, you will not find a single line of javascript code for front end(we don’t need them atleast yet).

    So, I am sure that the error is due to some plugin misbehaving and not BuddyBlog.

    A better strategy to find the conflicting plugin is to use a plugin like WP Staging and create an staging enviornment. Then disabling plugins one by one and finding the conflict.

    Please let me know which plugin is conflicting.

    About RT Media, It is in no way related to BuddyBlog upload. They have a custom uploader like we have in MediaPress. BuddyBlog does not use its own uploader and lets WordPress do the job.

    Hope that clarifies.


  • Participant
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    Kreatsya on #17793

    Dear Brajesh,

    Thank you a ton for your help! Without it I would’ve been quite lost.

    Here’s what I did – I disabled minify in the performance general settings and now users can upload their photos. The only question I have – will disabling minify slow down the performance?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Kreatsya.

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