

[Resolved] BuddyBlog not so easy

  • Participant
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    Andrew Womble on #24611

    Firstly I apologize. I always pride myself in having the ability of solving my issues, therefore I lack in experience for seeking assistance. I would furthermore like to apologize if I fail to provide enough information that my aide you in determining my current situation.

    I am EXPERIENCED in website building using PHP-NUKE, phpBB, and Joomla since the very begining of PHP. In fact I was originally building hard-code html sites back in 1996. However I understand PHP, I know how to edit for my needs but not fuctional in creating something new.

    Either way, I am struggling with the installation of the BuddyBlog plugin. The following steps has been completed.

    Download and installed BuddyPress Simple Front End Post Version 1.3.8 – No settings found, therefore nothing changed
    Downloaded and installed BuddyBlog Version 1.3.5 – Orginally no settings changed

    I tried to gather additional details from https://buddydev.com/introducing-buddyblog-allow-users-to-blog-from-their-buddypress-profile/ however the page will not fully load not allowing me to scroll down and copy paste any of the “needed” code.

    Upon attempting to view and test the plugin in action, it does not display on my menus.

    I am struggling to understand wordpress and I am hoping that you might be able to guide me easily…but every term I have tried searching through google is not providing me the understanding that I need.

    Any and all assistenace is greatly appreciated!

    Thank you,

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 2
    Andrew Womble on #24612


    I figured it out.
    For those that may have issues getting this to work, here are the steps I needed to take in order to get this working.

    Download and install BuddyPress Simple Front End Post LATEST VERSION
    Downloaded and install BuddyBlog LATEST VERSION
    Download and install Custom Post Type UI LATEST VERSION
    Download and install Post Type Switcher LATEST VERSION

    Create both Custom Post Type and Taxonomies, pay close attenion to the field hints to determine what text you should add. I used “user_blog_posts” for my post type and “user_blog” for my Taxonomies. Copy and paste your Post Type function and your Taxonomies into your function.php file. Then go to BuddyBlog settings set your Post Type and Taxonomies to your newly created Post Type and Taxonomy.

    Create a new Page using a title of the link to your newly created BuddyBlog. Save. Quick edit and assign the post type to your new post type title. Then create a menu item using the page you created.

    I hope I explained this will without having to write an entire tutorial!!!

    Good luck!

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24778
    Brajesh Singh on #24616

    Hi Andrew,
    Welcome to BuddyDev.

    Thank you for sharing your experience with it.

    This is one of the ways that will work and will allow you to separate normal posts from the community posts.

    When we initially released BuddyBlog, we made to to let site admins select any of the registered post type(our assumption was people will select ‘post’ post type most of the time).

    Your experience with the plugin helps me understand that we need to add documentation and explain how to use it with custom post type.

    Our team will do it in next few days.

    Thank you

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 2
    Andrew Womble on #24618

    It was not working for me using standard post type, however at the same time I prefer to seperate member blogs from site blogs as we would all have different styles and quality acceptance.

    I do agree and appreciate some sort of documentation…and I believe many others would as well.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24778
    Brajesh Singh on #24629

    Hi Andrew,
    Thank you.

    I am not sure what might have caused it, it should work with the ‘post’ type out of the box(saving setting).

    Of course, using a different post type is a better idea.


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