

BuddyBlog: posts pending review

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    maelga on #116

    Hi Brajesh,

    I’m playing around with BuddyBlog and like it pretty so much so far.

    The 1 thing I really miss is a Pending status for post submitted by authors and that are pending review (and publishing) by editor.

    In addition, currently the subnav only features 2 menu items:
    -Posts: listings posts that are published
    -New Post: to create a new post.

    To make the plugin complete, I would really love to have the 2 other missing statuses:
    -Drafts: listing posts/articles that authors have saved and want to edit further later
    -Pending: listing posts/articles under review and awaiting publishing

    Is this something that could be easily implemented?

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    maelga on #117

    I should probably have posted in Request & Feedback. Sorry for this.

    Creating a sub-forum for each plugin could also help us I think.

    Oh and also: it seems the search bar does not return any results. Something worth checking.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24795
    Brajesh Singh on #118

    Hi Maelga,
    Thank you for asking.

    1. If you set the post status as draft from BuddyBlog admin settings page, the posts tab lists all the posts(published|draft). I agree with you that we should have a draft section to make it better. Even better will be to provide user with the option to save as draft/published while creating post.

    Please give me 2 days and I will add the draft tab. A little bit busy with some other plugin.

    2. I am sorry but I don’t see a way to differentiate draft from pending/awaiting review

    These are easily doable but I need clarification on how to differentiate.

    Thank you


    I appreciate your suggestion about the individual forum. We have got around 100+ plugins on BuddyDev,giving individual forums will make it complex. We are using tags to manage the plugin association. We will certainly be adding a few more forums as we progress with the new forums 🙂

    Moving to Requests and feedback.

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    maelga on #119

    1. Fantastic! Looking forward to it.

    2. WP features a number of other post statuses besides Posted and Draft (see https://codex.wordpress.org/Post_Status).
    The Pending status is really useful for workflows that require an Editor to review and publish a post/article, i.e. an author is only a contributor and does not have the publish_posts capability like an Editor.
    In buddyblog/admin/admin.php, I have added it as follows and it does the magic:
    $post_statuses = array(
    ‘publish’ => __( ‘Published’, ‘buddyblog’ ),
    ‘draft’ => __( ‘Draft’, ‘buddyblog’ ),
    ‘pending’ => __( ‘Pending review’, ‘buddyblog’ )
    Now I would like to have the subnav with Published/Drafts/Pending and New for authors to be able to see the list of their posts based on the post status, ie. back to point 1 above.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24795
    Brajesh Singh on #120

    Hi Maelga,
    Thank you for the reply.

    My concern was not related to the available post status. BuddyBlog is a generic plugin and I need to understand in what scenario, We can transition a post from draft to pending. Currently and admin can choose to allow users publish or moderate. So, we know whether the submitted post is a draft or should be set as published.

    How do we decide the same for the pending?

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    maelga on #121

    Thanks for your fast reply Brajesh.

    My scenario requiring review is as follows:
    1. Users (Contributor role) can create new posts from their profile in front-end. Upon clicking Submit, posts are saved as Pending.
    2. Editors then review posts in backend and publish them.

    Not sure I fully get how posts transition from draft to published currently. If posts are submitted as draft, how do users can edit them later and then publish them?

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    maelga on #169

    Hi Brajesh,

    If I understand the plugin’s rationale correctly, there are currently 2 possible workflows (set by the admin in settings):

    1. Users publish posts directly, in which case users lack the possibility to save their posts as draft.

    2. Users can only submit their posts as Draft and then subsequently have to publish them from their post listing/archive on profile. In this case, it takes 2 steps to publish a post and both published and drafts posts appear in the same archive list.

    What I think would make more sense from a users’ perspective is to have both a “Publish” button and a “Save as draft” button, so that user can flexibly choose “where” to submit their post. Consequently, Draft posts and Published posts should not appear on the same archive but under a subnav tab like: Published post / Drafts / Create new post.

    I believe the above is more of a standard for a generic post publishing plugin than the current 2 workflow options.

    Let me know if I missed something.

  • Participant
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    Ismar on #9855


    I have users who are contributors so they are not allowed to publish posts, but with your plugin they can publish posts.
    How can I change this so contributors are only allowed to submit a post for review?

    Thank you very much in advance.

    Best regards,

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24795
    Brajesh Singh on #9889

    Hi Ismar,
    In the BuddyBlog settings, Please use this capability “publish_posts” for the capability for user who can publish post.

    For others looking at the moderation and workflow, @ravisharma is working on an update and we hope to make it available soon.

    Thank you

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