

[Resolved] BuddyBoss Plugin Compatibility


  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 68
    Nick on #39598

    I’m curious if the following plugins might be compatible with BuddyBoss.

    Activity Privacy
    Editable Activity
    Ajax Registration


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #39600

    Hi Nick,
    These plugins are not needed with BuddyBoss and they are not compatible.


  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 68
    Nick on #39618

    It appears to me that they are needed – you can’t set default privacy options or edit comments, and the registration modal would be nice to have as well. Anyway, if they’re not compatible, that’s unfortunate. I hope that they might become compatible in the future – I’d upgrade my subscription if that happens!

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #39623

    Hi Nick,
    Thank you for the reply.

    1. Activity Privacy :- Sorry, They have activity privacy and the part you have mentioned is a very tiny part of this plugin.

    2. We had the compatibility for the editing functionality earlier. BuddyBoss released their own editing for activity. we will not be able to keep adding a feature to BuddyBoss which they will eventually replace. That is wastage of our effort.

    3. The modal Box:- we do not plan to support ajax registration or branded login outside own own themes. The reason is it needs skin for each of the supported theme.

    I appreciate your offer to upgrade membership but we will not be able to put our effort on things which are eventually going to be replaced by BuddyBoss. It is like we are wasting our time on adding support.

    Thank you

  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 68
    Nick on #39683

    Understood, thanks!

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #39714

    Thank you Nick.

    PS:- We will continue developing and supporting plugins for BuddyBoss platform which does not have a direct competing feature on their platform.


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