

Buddydev verified?

  • Participant
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    Posts: 6
    Kenneth Grooms Jr on #7333

    So the buddypress verified plugin looks kind of abandoned and lacking A LOT of functionality. Just throwing some ideas out that might be useful to some especially dating sites. Most likely would be a premium plugin.

    A prevalent problem on a lot of sites and reasons for complaint are the unsolicited messaged and D* picks.
    My idea was a plugin that:
    1. Had an Option for users to block IM’s/messages/Friend request from non-verified users.
    2. “Verify me” option at sign up or form to fillout with Picture ID & Legal photo ID combo
    3. Force read terms and conditions(document timer or something)
    4. Or like facebook users can set it to request to email.
    5. Very optional. [Media firewall] Allow users to select an option where pictures/media go for review before they reach recipent. User can toggle on and off to allow messages through and change value for each member.

  • Participant
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    Kenneth Grooms Jr on #7334
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    Graham Hoffman on #7336

    I put forward some options for a buddyverfieid last year – we definitely need something newer.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #7337

    Hi Kenneth, Graham,
    Thank you.
    I was thinking about @gtech ‘s post when I saw this.

    The problem with the verified is, Just verification is not enough here. We need other functionalities based on verification and that makes it complex.

    In my personal view, an access restriction/feature control plugin is different from Verification plugin. The goal of verification is to validate the identity of the person/entity and it should do that only.

    Any other functionality like restrictions needs to be a completely different package which provides a proper interface for allowing flexible control. Together the two plugins can enable all kind of feature restrictions, but putting them in a monolithic setup does not seem the right strategy.

    Let us delineate the functionalities into these two and we may be able to put up the code.

    Thank you

  • Participant
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    Kenneth Grooms Jr on #7341

    Excuse me if I sound ignorant I’m just now learning php. Would splitting them into different toggle on/off modules in separate files and such accomplish the same task without any loss of performance or would it not be worth the confusion?

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #7354

    Hi Kenneth,
    It is not going to make much of a difference.

    The performance depends on a lot of things. It may have a tiny affect(few ns) but nothing to worry about.


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