

BuddyPress Ajax Registration – help

  • Participant
    Alice Dias on #2337


    I’ve installed the BuddyPress Ajax Registration however I’m unable to put it working.

    I’ve folloowed the steps indicated here: https://buddydev.com/plugins/bp-ajax-registration/documentation/

    But it doesn’t work, it keeps displaying the buddypress default register form.

    I also need to know how can I create a register buttom with a popup, because with the example of the “Making popup work with custom link:-” in the documentation page, it just don’t work for me.

    I’m using the last version of WordPress and Buddypress and the Kleo template.

    Your help is welcome.


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #2340

    Hi Alice,
    Can you please point me to your site? If I remember correctly, Kleo comes with its own set of popups?

    It will be easier for me to assit you after looking at the site(with other questions too).

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