Tagged: deactivate account
Hi Jeff,
We have a filter to allow any user to act as admin for deactivation.Here is an example where I am checking if the current user is editor and if it is true, we allow to see the button and do it for other users.
/** * @param $allow * * @return bool */ function buddydev_custom_deactivator_permission( $allow ) { // let us allow editors. if ( ! $allow ) { $allow = current_user_can( 'delete_others_posts' ); } return $allow; } add_filter( 'bp_account_deactivator_user_can_change_account_status', 'buddydev_custom_deactivator_permission' );
If you have a custom role, You may be using some custom capability. You can swap the capability with your own.
Please let me know if it works.
BrajeshHi Jeff,
Please remove the code from p-deactivate-functions.php and put it in wp-content/plugins/bp-custom.php
If there is no bp-custom.php, please create a php file named bp-custom.php
BrajeshHi Jeff,
Thank you for asking. You will have to wait a little as our button generator has private scope currently. I will need to mark it public before we can ue it. Please allow me 2 days to push an update.Thank you
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