

BuddyPress FOLLOW option

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    giuseppe on #27391

    Aproximatelly 1 year ago, developer of https://wordpress.org/plugins/buddypress-followers/ said he will not update any more this plugin…
    I think FOLLOW feature should be included into a core of buddypress because it will provide an interesting alternative to users in addition to the actual and unique option of FRINDS button.
    But it seams that FOLLOW feature is not included into buddypress road map…
    Considerate you are the big boss as buddypress therdparty plugin, I think that can be a good oportunity for you to introduce a new FOLLOW plugin version into your payment plugins.
    I am interested to have a stable and professional support for a “FOLLOW” feature, so I am lookin for a developer who can provide this service.
    So in colcusion, are you interested to introduce this new version of this pluguin into your payment plugins?
    Please, let me know.
    Thanks for your support.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #27408

    Thank you for the topic and the suggestion.

    There is a maintained version by Ray though it is only on github

    I have requested for distribution via wordpress.org but haven’t heard from him yet

    I will most probably be forking and maintaining/releasing it on wordpress.org to make it easier for the community to use it(unless Ray decides to put it on wp.org).

    I will be updating you in 6-8 weeks about the status.


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    giuseppe on #27415

    Hi Brajesh, yes I know link of GITHUB, Here it has been updated, but what I dont understand is why plugin has not been uptadet in wp.org. Why this decision? It seams it has no sense…

    What I have read is a post of ray 4 months ago where it said:
    “I won’t be updating the plugin any further.”
    So maybe in a few months plugin will not be updated…

    Thanks to informe me about your intentions (fork it in wp.org), your decision will be very apreciade for community.

    Can I open a ticket support on wp.org asking to ray about its intentions? I can introduce to my ticket support the link of your request in GITHUB (https://github.com/r-a-y/buddypress-followers/issues/111).
    Maybe ray forget to reply to you… So maybe I can refresh your request…
    Also, a ticket linked to your request should be interesting because it will help to comunicate to the community your intention to make maintenance of this plugin.
    So in conclusion, can I create a ticket suport in wp.org linked with your request? Are you in agraement with me?
    Let me know and thaks for your great support. Have a good live πŸ™‚

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #27430

    Hi giuseppe,
    Thank you for the reply.

    I haven’t seen any official word from Ray. That reply was from Andy(the original Developer of BuddyPress and the follow plugin).

    Yes, Please do feel free. We need to know if there will be a release on wp.org or not. That will help decide our course of action.

    Thank you

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    Cordial on #40275

    I thought to activate this conversation related to the BuddyPress follow plugin.

    It seems a useful plugin, and I will like to know How far is the status of this plugin?

    The Author(s) have said that they will not be updating the plugin anymore.

    Can you pick up the code and start working on it?


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #40290

    Hi Cordial,
    Thank you for the question.

    This will be part of BuddyPress 10.0 which will arrive around Christmas. We are working on it as a part of BuddyPress’s relationship api.


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    CleanGist on #40293

    Thanks for this information.

    This is the second or third time you are giving me fantastic information about upcoming features in BuddyPress.

    You told me about Media component (even though we don’t understand to what extent this will be) coming up in BuddyPress 10.0.

    You told me about BuddyPress welcome Email in 8.0

    Now you are telling me about Follow Feature in 10.0 again.

    1.) How do you get these information?

    2.) Which website can I go to be abreast with such information and be able to know what’s coming up next in BuddyPress?

    3.) Where again can we go to make Feature Request for BuddyPress?

    Needing to hear from you soon.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #40308

    Thank you for the reply.

    You can follow BuddyPress development here

    and on the slack channel here

    you can suggest features in the slack channel or on the BuddyPress trac


  • Participant
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    CleanGist on #40310

    You don’t stop to amaze me(laughing and happy).

    I can see that I’ve been trying to send messages to BuddyPress, but I’ve been posting to the wrong place all these while.

    I think https://buddypress.trac.wordpress.org/ is the best place I should have discovered since.

    Thanks for all these useful information.

    High Regards

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #40323

    Thank you.

    I am glad it helped πŸ™‚


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