

Buddypress Global Avatar in Multisite

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 8
    leandrotavaresrocha on #19957


    I am looking for a way to be able to run buddypress in a subsite only and still able to obtain the avatar from buddypress in the other sites.

    After I start to work with buddypress I noticed a strange behaviour when you run buddypress in the network mode (but enabled to run in the subsite) and activate the bbpress in a subsite. Usually I am able to assign forum to buddypress groups when I activate bbpress in the main forum, but I am unable once I active the bbpress in the same subsite that is running buddypress.

    Due to the above problem, I decided to move all the social area to a subsite (activating buddypress in the subsite only), but now I am unable to obtain the avatar from buddypress in any other subsite.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #19964

    BuddyPress does not store the avatar path in database. It is folder based and since you have moved from the global to a site specific installation, I will be to look for “avatar” and “group-avatars” in your uploads directories of each site and then merging and moving to the sub site you have moved your BuddyPress.


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