

BuddyPress Group Tabs Creator Pro


  • Participant
    lisa Harrison on #40930

    Hi, I was referred to this plugin by Buddyboss as a reply to my question on the official youtube channel. I was looking to remove certain tabs from Groups Tab Menu.
    1st issue….The plugin does not appear in Buddyboss Integrations
    2nd Issue…perhaps related to first as there are no settings accessible, it does not actually appear to be able to remove tabs?

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #40938

    Hi Lisa,
    Thank you for using the plugin.

    1. The plugin does not appear under integration as it does not have any global settings. Plugins with global settings appear in the integration section.

    2. There is no setting. The tabs are part of Admin menu(left sidebar).

    Please look for a menu item such as

    and there you can create and edit tabs.

    Please do let me know if you are able to use it or need any further assistance?


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    reece gregory on #42082

    Hello, im using buddy boss aswell, i was wondering if i will be able to edit some of the group tabs or atleast make them private. Thanks

  • Keymaster
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    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 3115
    Ravi on #42084

    Hello Reece,

    Please check the following resource for modifying existing group tabs


    Let me know if it helps or not. While modifying privacy make sure the tab is not the default tab for the group in this case you will get a page not found error.

    PS: ‘BuddyPress Group Tabs Creator Pro’ plugin is required for this


  • Participant
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    Posts: 13
    Tina Kister on #45477

    Members Tab – Hide for Select Group Types, Rename and Show for Others

    I’d like to change “Members” to “Group Members” for one group type, and then hide the “Members” tab entirely for another group type.

    I can’t seem to get it to work. The issue seems to be that I want to apply two different changes to two different group types.

    I tried creating the Group tab twice, but then it automatically changes the slug from “members” to “members-2.”

    Any idea how I can accomplish this?

    Thank you!

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    Posts: 13
    Tina Kister on #45478

    To clarify, I don’t care what the slug is – it’s just that the parameters I set with the plugin don’t work, and I suspect it’s because the slug is incorrect after being automatically changed to “members-s.”

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    Tina Kister on #45479

    I can’t get the plugin to remove the default “Feed” tab. I’ve tried every combination of settings I can think of. I even tried enabling visiblility only for site admins, and it’s still visible to everyone. (This is the reason I purchased the plugin – so I could hide certain default tabs for certain group types.)

    I can rename it, but I can’t remove it.

    Is this expected behavior? Or should I investigate for some sort of plugin conflict or other issue?

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #45485

    Hi Tina,
    1. For Members, Please use the slug option available below the Label as shown here

    The post slug will have no effect if you use the slug in this option. Post slug is used as fallback.

    2. Please link me to a screenshot showing the configuration used for removal of the Feed tab. The plugin does allow removal.


  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 13
    Tina Kister on #45492

    Hi Brajesh,

    I don’t really understand your response: “The post slug will have no effect if you use the slug option in this option.”

    I’ll try to clarify the issue.

    I’m attempting to do two things:
    1) Remove the tab for some group types.
    2) Rename the same tab for other group types.

    So, I ran into two problems:
    1) All Tabs – I can EITHER rename the tab OR I can control the visibility. I cannot do both.
    2) Feed Tab – I cannot remove the Feed tab at all – I can rename it, but when I turn off “Is enabled,” it still shows, but with the original name. It shows no matter whether I limit the Tab Scope or not. (I tried limiting the Tab Scope with both a specific group name and with Association Group Types – neither worked.)

    My questions are:
    1) How can I BOTH rename a tab (any tab) when it shows AND remove it for some groups/group types?
    2) Why can’t I remove the “Feed” tab, but only rename it?

    It’s very difficult to know which screenshots to share, since I’ve tried so many different options, but here are a few that show different configurations for the Feed tab:

    Works to Rename Tab.png
    (Plugin Settings)

    Tab Not Enabled But Still Visible 1.png
    (Plugin Settings)

    Tab Not Enabled But Still Visible 2.png
    (Plugin Settings)

    Tab Not Enabled But Still Visible 3.PNG
    (This is what shows on the front end no matter what I do with the Feed tab.)

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #45499

    Hi Tina,
    Thank you for the details.

    1. You will need to create 2 entries with same tab slug. In one of the entry, Please hide the tab(set Enabled for to “none”).
    In the other entry, Please use the new label and make sure to tick “Update Label”.

    2. Your issue is you have to select “None” in the Enabled for option.

    What you have missed is scoping the change. If you have 2 entries with same scope, one will override other.

    since your goal is to rename it for some and remove it for others, you need to scope at least one of these entries.

    You can specify one or more group or Group types in the right side scope and It will work


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