

Buddypress Registration Email

  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 22
    Chetan Sonar on #22286


    I am facing issues in the registration process. As there are 2 options available for registration process:

    1) Account Activation email : Where email will be sent to activate the account
    2) Disable activation email and manually activate the account : where we need to manually activate the account.

    I have already shifted to Buddypress email Templates. Option 1 works well. But Option 2 is not working as expected.

    How can we print a separate message for Option 2, the way it is printing for Option 1, check below screenshot :


    Also I want to send an email to the user, that the account is not yet approved by the admin. Once approved another email will be sent.

    Please help me with this.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24827
    Brajesh Singh on #22304

    Hi Matt,
    I will suggest looking at BuddyPress registration options.
    Also, to change that text, you can modify buddypress/members/register.php in your theme(If your parent theme does not contain it, you can copy it form buddypress template packs).


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