

BuddyPress shortcodes

  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 30
    Rojo on #13462


    I notice you have a BuddyPress Activity Shortcode plugin that allows you to put activity feed anywhere, but do you have anything for all the other Buddpress functions (members, groups, profile, etc)? Apologies if you do, and I just missed it…

    I would love to be able to use a WP pagebuilder (like Divi theme, Beaver Builder, etc) to customize how BuddyPress looks (instead of relying on a theme’s templates, which usually are pretty generic for BP), while still having all of the BP functions….

    Please let me know if this is possible using any of your plugins. There are other BuddyPress shortcode plugins out there, but they are all old, outdated and no longer work.


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24802
    Brajesh Singh on #13475

    Hi Rojo,
    Thank you for asking.
    We don’t have any other shortcode plugin for BuddyPress except the activity shortcode.

    I saw that there were existing plugins by PressCrew and later by another developer, so I and my team avoided the duplicate effect.

    I am not sure if we should step into to creating something like it yet. If the other plugins are not maintained, then we will consider it in future.

    Thank you

  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 30
    Rojo on #13480

    Hi Brajesh. Thanks for your reply.

    I looked up PressCrew, but apparently they are no longer in operation.

    When I googled for BuddyPress Shortcodes (or looked in the WP repository), the only ones I could find were:
    1). BuddyPress Shortcodes (https://wordpress.org/plugins/buddypress-shortcodes/) — over three years old and no longer maintained. Also, it would have been too limited for my needs anyway.
    2). Shortcodes for BuddyPress (https://wbcomdesigns.com/downloads/shortcodes-for-buddypress/) — This is more recent (only 6 months old). However, it doesn’t really work well for what I need. When it’s used with a page builder (like the Divi theme), it creates an error message on the backend. Also, no matter where I place the shortcode within the page builder’s contents, the BP content always moves to the very top of the page, above all other content. This makes the plugin useless for me. I contacted them about this a while ago and have received no reply.

    Basically, I want to have the freedom to design a page to my liking (with a pagebuilder like Divi), while still having BuddyPress functionality to view, placed wherever I like within my design. This would be a HUGE gamechanger for the BuddyPress community. The biggest weakness of BuddyPress has always been that the default styling is very basic, generic and unprofessional. And there is no way to customize the look of it easily. You either need to be super advanced at modifying templates, or rely on a theme specifically designed for BuddyPress (but they are expensive, and very limited).

    If there was a BuddyPress shortcodes plugin that really worked well, and played nice with pagebuilders like the incredibly popular Divi, it would be a dream come true. You would be opening the doors to a lot of designers who would like to use BuddyPress, but don’t because of how bad it looks (and then end up using something like Ultimate Member or PeepSo instead).

    I hope you reconsider creating such a plugin, as I know your plugins are well built and maintained.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 12 months ago by Rojo. Reason: correcting mispelling

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