

BuddyPress Visibility Manager – Privacy Settings – Blog Posts

  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 56
    John B on #27046

    With the BuddyPress Profile Visibility Manager plugin we have the ability to select who can see a users Profile and Friends List. Would it be possible in the future to add a privacy option for Blog Posts? It’d be nice to give users the option, just like they have for their Friends and Profile to select Me Only, Friends, Members and Public for blog post visibility.

    Currently when a user creates a blog post using BuddyBlog its shown publicly (mysite.com/blog), even if the user has selected to remain private. Adding this feature would give users the ability to create blog posts that only their friends can see. This feature would also be benefaction to site owners as it gives them the ability to create a completely private site for their users.

    I’d buy the BuddyPress Blog Visibility Manager plugin. It could be a premium add-on for BuddyBlog. Please consider it.

    Thanks as always.

  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 56
    John B on #27047

    The main reason I’m asking is for privacy concerns. With WordPress/BuddyPress, by default as soon as a user creates a blog post it appears on the sites blog (mysite.com/blog) for the world and web crawlers to see. Some users want to remain completely private and not have their intimate blog posts read by strangers and recorded by web crawlers and other bad actors on the Internet. Thx again..

  • Participant
    Level: Master
    Posts: 152
    Hugo Callens on #33593

    +1 for this request.

    In my case I need to control the visibility of users’ blog posts to
    – completely private
    – visible to logged in users
    – visible to members of specific groups

    In any case: not visible to the outside world.

    I would be very grateful if you could provide a way to achieve this, with the BuddyPress Profile Visibility Manager plugin or otherwise.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24804
    Brajesh Singh on #33616

    Hi Hugo,
    Thank you for the reply.

    With our Upcoming release of BuddyBlog Pro in October, you can use a private post type to achieve it easily.


    PS:- We are not adding this “visible to members of specific groups” in the default implementation though.

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