

Can we have cover photos on the members page?

  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 89
    Graham Hoffman on #7001

    Is there a reason you decided against having profile cover photos on the members/groups directory instead of having a green background cover?


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24858
    Brajesh Singh on #7005

    Hi Graham,
    That’s a good question. There were two issues

    1. The cover fetching query is not optimized for multiple covers on single in BuddyPress. We can get around by prefetching and caching at the start of the loop and I plan to do so. The second issue is what is more problematic

    2. The problem is size of cover. Currently, there is only one cover size allowed. If we resize the cover automatically, It may not make much sense.And even if we do, we will have to have the complete process that keep track of the uploads, deletes the old files and so on. What I plan is to build an experimental plugin with these features.

    We will have something better than what we have(we will atleast allow to set colors) before the end of this month.

    Thank you

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