

Circle followers list

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  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 38
    damland on #28545


    how can I add a tab inside members profile with the list of all the users that have added the displayed user to their circles? (something like “Followers 152”)

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by damland.
  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #28548

    Thank you for the question.

    We can help you achieve it with some custom code. Please do know that it may not honour circle privacy.

    For example, even a user who added the displayed user to their circle will be listed. Is that acceptable?

    Please let me know and I or my team will assist you early next week.

    Thank you

  • Participant
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    Posts: 38
    damland on #28550

    Hi @sbrajesh
    Yes ok honour circle privacy would have been better, but it’s not a problem

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #28551

    Thank you.

    I will check and see if honouring privacy will be simple enough or not and will let you know.

    do you want this tab to be visible to the profile owner or any user visiting the profile?

    Thank you

  • Participant
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    damland on #28557

    To any user visiting the profiles

  • Keymaster
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    Ravi on #28584


    Please refer the following gist repo to list members and let me know if it works or not.



  • Participant
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    damland on #28586

    Yes it’s working but it isn’t using the default design of the theme (member cards): https://pasteboard.co/J2zbLhM.png

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    damland on #28588

    and I think there is no pagination, if possible I also need to show the number of users in the tab “Affiliate Users 123” (like the friends tab)

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by damland.
  • Keymaster
    Level: Yogi
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 3115
    Ravi on #28613


    Thank you for acknowledgement. I have updated the repo. Please check and let me know it works or not.


  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 38
    damland on #28621

    Thanks @ravisharma its working very well but there isn’t the Orderby dropdown

    I’m using buddypress-message-privacy and now that I’ve switched to circles (instead of friends), is there a way to set messages privacy to: Only members that are in my circles?

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