Hello…I posted something here a few days ago but now i can’t find it.
I see that the mentioned plugin was updated for Boss compatibility. However, the clear notifications only work on the wordpress dashboard. It doesn’t appear on the front-end. Can this be fixed? Boss has no “clear notification” option.
Thank you.
There were no posts by you here about it. I tried to look at it and you had contacted us via project request form(which should not have been).
The plugin was/is compatible with the original Boss theme. Are you sure you are using Boss(the blue sidebar one) and not their new theme?
I am not sure of the current status as they might have changed their theme recently. Please contact BuddyBoss support for the same.
BrajeshAlso, you may want to use the BuddyPress Notifications widget. That provides a widget for listing/clearing the notifications on the front end.
Thank you for confirming.Please take a look at the BuddyPress Notifications widget and see if you can use it. It is better and what we plan to support in future(You can use it for clearing notifications too).
Thank you for the reply.Since the notification menu in the theme is not a general menu but specific to the theme, It will need time to implement specially for this theme.
I regret my inability to add it currently due to lack of time. I will most probably be able to do it around January end.
Thank you
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