

Community Builder Demo?

  • Participant
    Mike on #20815

    The Community Builder Demo (http://demos.buddydev.com/community-builder/try/?user=demo) looks like it’s broken (lots of database errors). I’d like to show it to some of the folks for the site I’m working on. Can that be brought back online?

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24344
    Brajesh Singh on #20816

    Hi Mike,

    My apologies for the issue. It happened as our demo creator software had issues with copying tables in mysql strict mode.

    Have fixed it.

    PS:- If you plan to use Community Builder, Please do know that 2.0 will be available within next couple of weeks and It is not compatible with the current 1.x releases of the theme.

    Thank you

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