

Conditional Profile Fields for BuddyPress Use in BuddyBoss

  • Participant
    Tim Francis on #49681

    I installed Conditional Profile Fields for BuddyPress plugin on my BuddyBoss website based on guidance in their Knowledge Base https://www.buddyboss.com/resources/docs/integrations/buddypress-add-ons/conditional-profile-fields-for-buddypress/#:~:text=Go%20to%20WordPress%20Dashboard%20%3E%20BuddyBoss,make%20the%20other%20preferred%20changes

    It works great except that all optional fields that are only visible when on other selections are made are counted in the Complete your Profile Details Counter (ie 10/21) in BuddyBoss. I reached out to their support team and they suggested I contact BuddyDev.

    How do I exclude conditional fields from the Details counter since most of these will not be visible and users will be unable to complete? If they’re conditional and not visible, they shouldn’t be counted. I event tried using a default response.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24811
    Brajesh Singh on #49683

    Hi Tim,
    Thank you for using the plugin.
    I am sorry I am not able to understand this.

    It works great except that all optional fields that are only visible when on other selections are made are counted in the Complete your Profile Details Counter (ie 10/21) in BuddyBoss

    What is profile details counter? Is it something supplied by BuddyBoss?
    The Conditional field plugin was written for BuddyPress and we it does not have any idea about the new things introduced in BuddyBoss.

    I don’t see any straight forward way to handle it. I will rather suggest configuring your Profile completion widget to avoid all fields from conditional field if that is possible.


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