

Contact Form Reply-to


  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 10
    Barry Grennan on #21239

    Good plugin!

    I’d prefer my users to be able to reply directly to the emails they receive via the buddypress contact form.

    To that end I’ve edited class-bpucf-action-handler.php with the below code. It’d be great if this was an option in the plugin so I didn’t have to hack it after every update. Would this be possible to add?

    // Barry Adds
    		$admin_email = bpucf_get_option( 'admin_email' );
    		$sender_name = $_POST['name'];
    		$site_url = home_url( '/' );
    		//End Barry Adds
    		$subject = $_POST['subject'];
    		$message = $_POST['message'];
    		$message .= "\r\n". sprintf( __( 'Sender: %s', 'buddypress-user-contact-form' ), $_POST['name'] );
    		$message .= "\r\n" .sprintf( __( 'Sender email: %s', 'buddypress-user-contact-form' ), $sender_email );
    		// Barry Adds
    		$message .= "\r\n" .sprintf( __( 'Sent via: %s', 'buddypress-user-contact-form' ), $site_url );
    		// End Barry Adds
    		$message .="\r\n";
    		$headers = array();
    			// Barry Adds
    			$headers = array(
      'Reply-To:' .$sender_name. '<'.$sender_email.'>','From:' .$sender_name. '<'.$admin_email.'>'
    //End Barry Adds 
  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #21245

    Hi Barry,
    Thank you for sharing the code and bringing it.

    Yes, we can certainly add Reply-To header. I am not sure why we did not add it earlier. We are already sharing the email address, so it was not a privacy concern.

    It must be something we overlooked.

    I will have an update in next couple of days and It will be available with that.


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