

Does BuddyPress Auto Friendship Pro work with BuddyBoss Follow?

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 13
    Paul Henderson on #42496

    I’m trying to use BuddyPress Auto Friendship Pro with BuddyBoss. Specifically I want to have all newly registered users get set up to automatically Follow a short list of existing users. So far this does not seem to work on BuddyBoss. I have not tried Friends yet, as I’m hoping Follow will work.

    I’m not sure if the BuddyBoss Follow feature works differently from what BuddyDev expects for the Auto Friendship plugin but I assumed these were compatible.

    Has anyone gotten BuddyPress Auto Friendship Pro with to auto follow users on the BuddyBoss Platform?

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #42500

    Hi Paul,
    Yes, it works with BuddyBoss platform. Please visit settings-“BuddyPress Auto Friendship pro” and make sure the triggers are correctly updated(registration/activation.profile update).


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