

elementor WordPress widgets (Mediapress) Media List works only vertical

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 13
    Benny on #52476

    Hello support,

    on my elementor widget list there are two widgets with some configuration options:

    1. (Mediapress) Media List
    2. (Mediapress) Galleries List

    Both of them are showing the images only in vertical view. What can i do to show the images in a horizontal view.

    Many thanks

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24811
    Brajesh Singh on #52496

    Hi Benny,
    Thank you for reporting.

    we don’t have any special integration with Elementor. The shortcodes should work as normal.

    In your case, It is probably the css of the area(width?) which is not allowing the media items as grid. Please link us to a page on your site using this shortcode with Elementor and we can look into the issue.

    Thank you

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