Tagged: buddyblog - email notificaion
I’d like to ask how can I activate, only for the Administrator role, the button to reject / approve posts submitted by an user from his profile.
The user can submit the post: once he does it, the administrator and the use receive a mail notification about a new post / post submission.
When the administrator checks out the post and marks it as Published, the author doesn’t receive any mail despite the notifications is activated.
And I have the same issue when the post is deleted by the administrator: the author doesn’t receive a reject notification.
As administrator I can edit, delete, revert to the draft, mark as pending again and publish. How can I make to activate the notifications on publishing or deleting the post. Or maybe I can implement another system based on profile notifications and not on emails. It’s important to user experience.
Thank you again, best regards,
Hi Kateryna,
Thank you for using the plugin. It is a bug if this is happening. Our team is looking into it and we will make sure to test it before releasing tomorrow’s update.Regards
BrajeshHi Kateryna,
Our team has tested it and all teh notifications are working as expected.Please re-check.
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