

Failed Purchase with no download option given

  • Participant
    Robert Bruce on #34882

    I just purchased the mod plugin. I got a brief flash of a notification in my buddydev account saying ‘failed receipt’ or something. I got a very simple email saying

    “Dear Robert, Thank you for your purchase. BuddyPress Moderation Tools – BuddyDev”

    But I was given no download option or anything.

    So I either want the plugin or a refund.

    The sale went through via paypal and I have a screenshot of the details.

    Should I open a paypal dispute to solve this?

    Robert Bruce

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24804
    Brajesh Singh on #34883

    Hi Robert,
    I am sorry for the experience.
    Your purchase was successful.

    Please download the plugins from here

    Please let me know if you are able to download or not?


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