

force First and Last Name on BuddyPress Member Cards

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 14
    Cordial on #51075

    I have access to some small plugins that can do some small things on BuddyPress:

    This one can change Username — https://buddydev.com/plugins/bp-username-changer/

    This one creates Member Types and additional BuddyPress Member Directories— https://wbcomdesigns.com/downloads/buddypress-member-type/

    Another one I have, enables XProfile Fields to be shown on the frontend of the Member Cards, as you can see here– https://prnt.sc/3RTN41rg8vYz

    I have been searching for 3 weeks, and still haven’t found a solution.

    Now, this is a Member Card from Ultimate Member plugin— https://prnt.sc/RcapjsN_Lm6N

    You can see that it shows First and Last Name.

    And this is the one from BuddyPress— https://prnt.sc/e8mxKgzg8avT

    You can see that it shows only Username.

    The only way to show First and Last Name on the BuddyPress Member card, is to manually go to the backend, and change it manually for each user.

    That will be a hell time consuming to do, if I have 1,000 users.

    I need a solution that will enable me to force First and Last Name on the Members cards, as you have seen here– https://prnt.sc/RcapjsN_Lm6N

    You have this Snippet here— https://buddydev.com/support/forums/topic/different-member-types-different-display-names/

    But I’m not sure it solves my problem.

    Do you have Code Snippet that solves my exact problem?


  • Keymaster
    Level: Yogi
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 3115
    Ravi on #51083


    Thank you for posting. If the first name and last name is the xprofile fields then you can mark them as required field and use the following plugin by Buddydev to force all the users to fill out those fields


    Please let me know if it is feasible for you or not.


  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 59
    Stephanie on #52740

    Hello all,
    I have some related questions too.

    The default Buddypress registration form has a “username” field that we cannot edit. It also has a “name” field that would look like it only needs a first name. If user puts in a full name, there will be a space and this might cause issues. I would like to collect the user’s first and last name separately and display it on the member profile card.

    I have your plugin “BuddyPress Xprofile Custom Field Types” but it does not have the first and last name field. This means users use the default “name” field when registering. I found this plugin (https://wordpress.org/plugins/bp-xprofile-wp-user-sync/) that seems to collect the user’s first and last name separately, but it says if you have Buddypress 8.0.0 or higher, then you don’t need this plugin, as this functionality is in the quote: “built-in BuddyPress xProfile Fields.”

    Question 1: This “built-in BuddyPress xProfile Fields”, is that referring to your “BuddyPress Xprofile Custom Field Types” plugin? Because without your plugin, the default Buddypress fields are not that diverse and it is not called “xprofile”.

    Question 2: As I said already, there is no option to add a first and last name field with the BuddyPress Xprofile Custom Field Types plugin, so I still can’t collect the user’s first and last name separately.

    Question 3: @gamicord, what plugin did you use to create or alter the user member card and display the profile info on the card? I have not been able to get the user profile to show up on the member card.

    Question 4: On a semi-related topic, I would also like the first and last name to show up on the back end of WordPress with the respective fields. At the moment, anything registration form with any plugin that has a first and last name field, shows up as one name (with a space) in the wordpress dashboard -> users under the column “Name”. Is it possible to have a First and Last name field, so that they can be ordered alphabetically according to their first or last name?

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24802
    Brajesh Singh on #52754

    Hi Stephanie,
    Thank you for the questions.

    1. No. It says about the option to map a BuddyPress field to WordPress. You can map a text field to one of the core WordPress field from Edit field screen.

    2. Please see 1.

    For any further assistance, Please create a new topic and reference this one(if needed) and we will assit.


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