

Formating BuddyBlog to work properly with my theme

  • Participant
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    Justin J Dunn on #6731

    I am running a Video Sharing Website. Front-end users can upload videos (just like youtube). Here is my link: http://babyitsourworld.com/
    We also wanted our users to be able to post blogs. I’ve installed BuddyBlog.

    How do I get the font-end blog post from the users to share the same category slugs as the videos? The blog post should share the same categories as the videos. So if I click on ‘News & Entertainment’, all videos and blog post show up on the page. Currently only videos show up.

    Please help. Thank you

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24476
    Brajesh Singh on #6746

    Hi Justin,
    is video a new post type? are the video categories custom taxonomy? How do you manage it?

    If the video categories are normal category then they will be available for the posts? Are you able to use video category for normal posts from the Admin dashboard?

    Thank you

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    Justin J Dunn on #6751

    The theme is call SlimVideo: http://demo3.touchsize.com/slimvideo/
    It works just like Youtube. A user can login and upload a video that will show throughout the website and in the user’s profile. We took it a step forward and installed BuddyBlog so users can also Post from the from end.

    Our current menu is just custom links for all “video_category” (see – http://babyitsourworld.com/)
    We want the menu categories to populate Every Video and Every Blog Post, not just videos like now.

    Is this an easy fix?

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24476
    Brajesh Singh on #6753

    I am sorry but If that is the case( you have video category). It is a custom taxonomy. Can you please ask the theme developer to enable it for posts too?

    Anything which you can do from dashboard with the post new/edit screen is doable with BuddyBlog. In this case, your custom taxonomy does not seem to be enabled for posts.

    if it is enabled for posts,m you can select it from BuddyBlog->Settings and the taxonomy select box.

    Hope that helps.

  • Participant
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    Justin J Dunn on #6761

    Can I enable custom taxonomy myself? If so, how can I do it? I am a novice so I will need some step-by-step help. I can provide the FTP and/or WordPress Login. I just need to get this fully functional so my users can enjoy.

    Taxonomy is Enabled:

  • Participant
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    Justin J Dunn on #6778

    Hello, still looking for some help here:

    I am running a Video Sharing Website. Front-end users can upload videos (just like youtube). Here is my link: http://babyitsourworld.com/. We also wanted front-end blog posting for our users so we installed BuddyBlog & BP Simple Front End Post plugins. This allows them to have their own blog post. We want category slugs to match both Video Posts & Blog Posts from users. Currently, we have ‘custom menu links’ – for example http://babyitsourworld.com/videos_categories/love-relationships/ is the link for the category “Love & Relationships”. But only videos show up. We’d like for ALL posts (videos & blogs) under the category “Love & Relationships” to show up. We want video & blogs to share the same category slugs. So if I click on ‘News & Entertainment’, all videos and blog post show up on the archive page. Need some help executing this.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24476
    Brajesh Singh on #6786

    Hi Justin,
    I haven’t yest heard from you about my question:-

    Are you able to Use Video Categories with Post if you are creating a post from the Admin? Can you please post me a screen shot of the new post screen and show me if the taxonomy is available for your post post type.

    If a functionality is not available in your Dashboard->Add New Post, we can’t have that in the front end bloggins. In other words, you will need to ask your theme developer to enable it for posts and then you can use it from the front end(Once it is available, you can select it from BuddyBlog settings screen).

    Hope that clarifies.


  • Participant
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    Justin J Dunn on #6791


    YES, I am able to use video categories with post (see screenshot) – http://bit.ly/2gUCD8r

    Blog Post Taxonomy is Enabled in BuddyBlog as well:

    So how do I go about this?
    Thank you

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24476
    Brajesh Singh on #6792

    Hi Justin,
    Thank you for the screenshot.

    Now, I can see clearly that the taxonomy is not enabled for posts. The screenshot is for “videos” post type and not the normal post type.

    With BuddyBlog, you are using “post” post type and not the video, so the taxonomy is not appearing.

    There are two ways:-
    1. Either you can use “videos” post type with BuddyBlog
    2. Or ask the theme developer on how to enable this taxonomy for posts. Once it is enabled, You can select it from BuddyBlog.

    Please do understand that in WordPress there can be multiple post types and a taxonomy for one post type is not necessarily available with the other.

  • Participant
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    Justin J Dunn on #6795

    Ok thank you for the explanation
    So if I am understanding correctly, I just changed the Blog Post Type to “Video” – see screenshot: http://bit.ly/2gxFxih

    Now, when I add a menu item from the category section, nothing shows… No videos or blog post are resulting when I add (for example) the category “Hair”. – http://bit.ly/2hqeNow
    I have 19 videos using the HAIR category, but nothing populates after adding it to the menu.

    How do I configure my menu to show ALL POST when I click on a particular category?

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