

Friendship restriction “request sender” problem

  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 69
    evil lizard on #38566

    Hello boss , ive been away for a while cos my system broke

    But i’ve recently been trying to develop on my phone and
    I have a complain about the plugin : https://buddydev.com/plugins/buddypress-friendship-restrictions/

    1stly i tried to download the lastest version , but it keeps pointing to the buddypro subscription


    2ndly this plugin (the version) i have has been giving me so much headache

    with the “restrict who can send request sections” ..it basically only works till user reloads the page

    For example

    I don’t understand why after

    After limiting to just 1 request for a particular user-role(subscriber)

    And using that user-role(subscriber) to send a friend request ..that user-role(subscriber) would still be able to see the “add friend” button on other users profiles also in the members directory ?? .. Shouldn’t that button be gone from other users profile, immediately a subscriber-user sends 1 request to 1 user… Since the limit is set to 1 request for the subscriber user-role ?

    Why is that button still visible ??


    3rdly – how do i reset friend request for a user back to 0 ? Cause i found that if set to restrict request to 1 for a user-role(say subscriber-role)

    And the requested user(say author-role) cancels or rejects a request from the subscriber user – that subscriber-user would no longer see the “add-friend” button for anyone else on the website ..

    Is there a way i can reset that particular subscriber-user so he would be able to still send requests after he’s request has been cancelled or rejected ?

    (Please respond to all 3)

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24476
    Brajesh Singh on #38567

    Welcome back.

    1. Your subscription expired on December 3, 2019 and that’s why it is redirecting you to pricing page.

    2. Please upgrade to latest version and retry.

    3. Cancelled requests are not counted. Please make sure you don’t have t being cached.

    Since you had brought the idea for this plugin, I will be glad to offer you another year of free downloads for the same.

    Please get in touch via contact form and I will share the discount code.


  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 69
    evil lizard on #38569

    //Your subscription expired on December 3, 2019 and that’s why it is redirecting you to pricing page.//

    *hmm..That’s sad, i thought i could always get updates anytime for plugins after i buy them.


    //Since you had brought the idea for this plugin, I will be glad to offer you another year of free downloads for the same.//

    *THANK YOU! MY BIGGEST BOSS , this is why you are the greatest .. 🙌🙌

    *Remember i have still not cashed in on that coupon for the free year buddypro membership on that my “secondary buddydev account” (in which you promised me A LONG TIME AGO) , i mean this one :

    *I’m still not ready do cash in on it …but i hope this discount you about to give me , would not affect that free year coupon in anyway ? ,, that is when i’m ready to use it ???? – that is this discount is separate from that coupon right ?

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24476
    Brajesh Singh on #38570

    Thank you for the kind words.

    No, the old offer is still there and feel free to redeem it anytime you need that.

    This one will have no effect on that. Please don’t worry about these too much. This is just a small gesture to thank you for bringing the idea and helping us create this plugin 🙂

    Take care and stay safe.

  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 69
    evil lizard on #38582

    Alright i’ve sent the contact message

    Please i would like to know if there is a way i can make friend requests of all users to visible to all users..and not just the logged in user( i.e: not just the owner of the account) ??

    Currently only the logged in user can see people who sent him request – is there a way i can make requests sent to him to be
    visible to all ?

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24476
    Brajesh Singh on #38590

    Thank you.
    Have received the email. Will reply shortly.

    About your other question, this plugin is not aimed at that. You can custom code it but it is a bad practice to expose the requests received by others.


  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 69
    evil lizard on #38596

    Thank you!

    //You can custom code it but it is a bad practice to expose the requests received by others.//

    *i understand, but There is a reason i want to make it visible to all members.

    These the tabs im talking about (the bottom one is for the pending requests):


    Please show me a filter or function i can use to make it visible to every one and not just to the account owner.

    I want everyone to be able to see other peoples pending requests

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