

Group creation impossible after activation of BuddyPress Multi Network

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  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 1
    Michel GREGOIRE on #31531

    Hi !

    I’m in big trouble!

    The goal, for me, is to achieve a multisite setup of BuddyBoss, with separate members and activity in each subsite of my network.

    I setup BuddyPress Multi Network, but when I activate it, I loose the availability to create Groups, in my subsites.

    Many thanks for your help !


    NOT :

    Activated plugin list :

    4DIVI Custom Grid blog
    AddToAny Share Buttons
    Admin Columns
    Advanced Excerpt
    Advanced Image Styles
    Multisite Toolbar
    Akismet Anti-Spam
    All In One WP Security
    amr shortcode any widget
    ARVE Advanced Responsive Video Embedder
    Blog Designer Pack
    Cache Enabler
    CB Change Mail Sender
    Child Theme Wizard
    Classic Editor
    Cookie Notice
    Divi Booster
    DP Owl Carousel Pro
    Duplicate Page
    Duplicate Post
    Email Address Encoder
    Fullwidth Page Templates
    Get Widget ID
    Hide Title
    User Profile Image
    Loco Translate
    Logo Carousel Slider Pro
    Network Subsite User Registration
    NS Cloner
    Remove Widget Titles
    Reveal IDs
    RSS Feed Widget
    Simple Colorbox
    Simple Custom CSS
    Simple Post Redirect
    Sort Admin Menus
    SVG Support
    Team Builder
    The Events Calendar
    TinyMCE Advanced
    WordPress Importer
    WordPress MU Domain Mapping
    WP Legal Pages
    WP Maintenance Mode
    WP Multi-Network
    WP Retina 2x

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24496
    Brajesh Singh on #31533

    Hi Michel,
    Please make sure you follow the steps mentioned here


    Instead of BuddyPress, Please do the same for BuddyBoss settings.


  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 10
    Michel GREGOIRE on #31534

    Hi Brajesh !

    Many thanks for your rapid answer.

    Group creation is working only on new Test sub-site I add. Creation stay impossible under the old created sub-sites groups!

    An idea ?


  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 10
    Michel GREGOIRE on #31543

    Hi again !

    I’ve to remove all the sites and replace theme by a new created site ?

    I have a problem on the newly created site, the activity feed only display this message :
    “Sorry, no activity have been found!” an idea on how to solve this issue?


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24496
    Brajesh Singh on #31569

    Hi Michel,
    From the above replies, I can guess the issue.

    The issue is tables are not being created on the site/sub site where you are getting this error.

    Did you define BuddyPress multi blog constant?
    Also, did you try to save the component settings from BuddyBoss component page?

    It seems to me that BuddyBoss does not try to recreate tables for existing sites(Haven’t tested it recently, this was the case a few months ago).


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