I have connected the buddy groups to WordPress roles
it should work like this
1. user x join buddy group X
2. user x gets the WordPress role associated with the buddyp groupwhen I look in a user X he doesn’t have that role even if he is member in group X
Thank you for the reply.
Is this happening with the code that @ravisharma provided on github? or is it happening after you made the changes to the plugin?
Brajeshit never worked for me so ravi made this plugin
i downloaded the plugin and it still dont work
Please let me know how are you creating BuddyPress Group-specific WordPress roles because before applying to users I am validating the group role with the WordPress roles.
There might be chances that this condition invalidates the group associate role.
1 . Created BP Groups
2 . We created the new wp roles with members plugin
3 . We go into the new created group and assosiate the group with the role we createdDo you mean that we should create roles first and then the groups?
I have tested my GitHub version with the roles created with “Members plugin by MemberPress”. Please take a look at the following demo video:
Please after deactivating all other plugins and switching to the default theme temporarily and then give it a try. There might be chances that other plugins might be creating this issue.
Raviok man thanks, i will try deactivating plugin after plugin
just tried the theme and it wasnt it
just so i understand
the user gets the role the moment he join the group, no need to log in and out again?
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