

Important: BuddyPress Profile Visibility Manager changes

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #441

    Hi All,
    In version 1.2.6 of BuddyPress Profile Visibility Manager plugin we have fixed a bug that caused fatal error when BuddyPress settings component was disabled.

    BuddyPress settings component is required if you want to allow your users to update their privacy preference but that should not have caused fatal error. It was a bug in the code, A dependent plugin should never break the site, no matter what the settings are.

    We have fixed it in 1.2.6.

    Before Upgrade, Please note, We have changed the directory name of the plugin from ‘bp-profile-visibility’ to ‘bp-profile-visibility-manager’ to allow us provide you automatic upgrade via BuddyDev Dashboard plugin.

    To upgrade from any previous version to BuddyPress Profile Visibility Manager 1.2.6, please delete the old directory ‘bp-profile-visibility’ from your wp-content/plugins directory.

    Then you can install the new upgrade as the normal.

    Thank you

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