

Is it possible to show a recipe activity in the buddypress activity stream ?

  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 39
    Aravind Nambiar on #4943

    I want the user to fill in the recipes for a food item from his profile and in the activity stream it shows something like this:

    User x has posted a new food recipe
    Recipe name: xyz
    Cooking duration: 123
    Experience: beginner

    Comment . Like.

    I want it to look like a normal activity post and not like a blog. Please help me to achieve this

  • Keymaster
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    Ravi on #4949

    Hi Aravind,

    Welcome to BuddyDev. Please let me know for creating recipes are you using BuddyBlog plugin.

    Thank You

  • Participant
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    Aravind Nambiar on #4950
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  • Keymaster
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    Brajesh Singh on #4952

    Hi Arvind,
    can you please clarify your requirement:-

    1. is the recipe a custom post type?
    2. How are you posting this custom post type(entries) from profile?
    3. Have you registered any activity action function for this custom post type?

    Thank you

  • Participant
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    Aravind Nambiar on #4971

    Hi Brajesh,

    1. Yes the Recipe is a custom post type
    2. With the BuddyBlog and other forms plugin available (buddyforms) we are filling out a form from our profile section and the activity stream only shows an excerpt :

    For example:
    Please fill out your recipe form:

    Recipe Name : XYZ
    Recipe COoking Duration : 60 min
    Recipe Exp. Level : BEginner

    and in the activity stream it only shows like this:

    User X has posted a Recipe

    but i want to see the entire form in the activity stream not just the excerpt,like this

    User X has posted a new Recipe
    Recipe Name : XYZ
    Recipe COoking Duration : 60 min
    Recipe Exp. Level : Beginner
    Comment Like Edit Delete

    I dont want it to be on a blog page but on my activity stream so that members can favourite it and comment it just like ordinary post.

    2.Your Buddyblog and front end editor can achieve this but it requires a lot of tweaking i guess
    3.I am not a programmer so i have no clue how to create a custom plugin to achieve this 🙂
    4.This was the main idea which motivate me to start using wordpress and buddypress. Please help me 🙂

  • Participant
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    Aravind Nambiar on #4990
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  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
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    Brajesh Singh on #5007

    I will need some details from you. will write in another post today. Sorry for the delay Arvind.

  • Participant
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    Aravind Nambiar on #5014
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  • Participant
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    Aravind Nambiar on #5016
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