

Lightbox and sharing gallery

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 4
    vives on #10770

    First i am french so sorry for my english 🙂
    and second thanks for your job 🙂
    now my question :

    1 – i want to know how can i change all the word used in this plug for french ( perhaps a list somewhere i can change)

    2 – when i create a personal buddypress gallery like a user with 5 photos
    when i click on the gallery main image i have a pop up ajax with my first image and a comment on the right
    how can i do to have a list of the thumbnail of my images and not the first in ajax and after a pop up ajax like you but with the space white on the right for comment erased and to have just the image not comment

    3 – can i create share gallery directory… that users can use to upload images
    ex not to have “gallery_auto_user1” “gallery_auto_user2” “gallery_auto_user3”
    but one gallery “gallery_auto” and all user can upload their auto image in without being able to erase the image of the other users


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24339
    Brajesh Singh on #10773

    Hi Vives,
    Welcome to BuddyDev.

    1. Please translate it using any translation plugin. Or you may translate it on wp.org

    2. I am sorry, I am not sure if I understood it. Will the media/gallery shortcode work for you? For the lightbox without comment, you will need to update a template file. Please do let me know if you are comfortable with template change?

    3. We have a free addon(not in release state) which allows this

    And we are also working on a paid addon that gives fine grained control on each of the actions to other members.

    Hope that helps.


  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 4
    vives on #10780

    1. can i translate it in a toto.css or toto.css , where can i find it in my serveur ?

    2. no i am not comfortable with template change or i dont anwer this question 🙂
    but for the momen
    action 1 : i click on the master image
    action 2: i have a little pop up with the image and comment on the right and i can scroll them

    me i want :
    action 1 i click on the master image (that’s the same)
    action 2 : i have the thumbnail
    action 3 : i click on the image i want and i have lightbox which cover all the screen and just my image with no comment

    because for the moment we can decide row and so on but the row never used becau i cant see thumbnail … and if i say no comment, i continue to have a big place on the right, white color for nothing

    3 . thx i will take a look
    question : how can i use this ?


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by vives.

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