

Limit BuddyPress Groups Per User version 2.0.2 doesn’t work with BuddyBoss

  • Participant
    Hai Nguyen on #44521

    Hello there.

    The plugin “Limit BuddyPress Groups Per User” does not seem to work. I have installed and activated the plugin. I then checked the checkboxes to restrict groups and set the limit to 1 for subscribe roles. But, I can still create multiple groups.

    My version theme and plugins:
    Limit Groups per User – Version 2.0.2
    BuddyBoss Platform – Version 1.9.3
    BuddyBoss Platform Pro – Version 1.2.1
    BuddyBoss Theme – Version:

    Please help me to check this.

    Thanks in advanced

  • Keymaster
    Level: Yogi
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 3094
    Ravi on #44522

    Hello Hai,

    Sorry for the inconvenience. I have tested the plugin with the BuddyBoss Platform and it is working fine for me. Is there any restriction you have applied to group creation?. BuddyBoss does offer restrictions for group creation if you have configured it please reset to none and then try again.

    You can locate BuddyBoss Settings under Settings > Groups > Group Access.

    Please check and let me know.


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