

MediaPress db structure

  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 27
    Simon Parker on #22997

    I am missing a few galleries, currently have aroudn 15 out of a few hundred.

    the remaining although they show in the admin area as having image sin them if i open the gallery in admin and click onto edit media it says there are no items in the gallery.

    i am trying to pick through the posts postmeta attachments wp-uploads/mediapress/members db and folders to try and make head or tails of what goes where.

    could you help please. just a basic explanation fo what is meant to go where. so i can try and track what has happened to my galleries and restore some old files if necessary.


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24829
    Brajesh Singh on #23012

    Hi Simon,
    Thank you for the question.

    In MediaPress, we use
    ‘mpp-gallery’ post type for gallery.
    ‘mpp-type’, ‘mpp-component’ and ‘mpp-status’ taxonomies for type/component/status for each gallery and media.

    A media is a WordPress attachment(post type=attachment) that belongs to a gallery and has certain extra data.

    For each media and gallery, In addition to type/status/component, we store an extra field

    ‘_mpp_component_id’. It stores a numeric value which identifies the gallery/media association to an object.
    Depending on gallery/media component, It could be user id or group id.

    PS:- In MediaPress 2.0, we are migrating from the current taxonomy to a flat table.

    Hope that helps.


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