

Mediapress: Group Gallery options not showing

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  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24811
    Brajesh Singh on #816

    The version that you see is not the true indicator. I haven’t bumped the version as it is in development state.

    Here is the changelog.

    So, even if the version is old, what you are downloading is updated code. Since I have committed almost daily, It is not practical to bump version on daily basis. Once we go for RC, I will do that.

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    Venutius on #817

    Found it

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    Venutius on #818

    Yes that seems to work.

    I notice that when you are setting up a group the enable gallery setting is not enabled by default, however if you edit the settings for a group that does not have a group this setting is automatically clicked.

    I personally think that it should be the opposite, it should bed set as yes by default for when you first set up the group and should take its setting from what was first configured when you edit a groups settings i.e. it should be set to yes for groups which have a gallery and set to no for groups where it was not configured in the first place.

    An additional feature you might like to consider is the ability for a group admin to choose who can create new galleries and also who can upload files. This should really apply on a per gallery basis. I say this because you have included the ability to upload files. This is great, but some groups I have enable all to upload photos but only admin to upload files. Also group admins may not wish for their members to be able to create galleries.

    I also think the global setting of which types of galleries to allow should be cascaded to group admin, so they can choose which types of galleries to have, who can create those galleries and who can upload to those galleries once created. I think at the very least there should be a global setting where site admin would choose the default as to who can create galleries in groups.

    I notice there is a new setting of Sitewide Gallery, what does this do? Sounds interesting. Right now it seems to be the same as the buddypress gallery page.

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    Venutius on #819

    I was also thinking about how I’d like to see the various galleries viewed inside the group.

    What I would like to see is new group menu options of Gallery, Video, Audio and Files, from the group homepage for groups where all four types have been enabled.

    From within these main sections, I would like the group manager to be able to decide whether to have a single Gallery for example, or to have multiple galleries. If they choose to have a single gallery, then the gallery directory will be the gallery and it would automatically take its name from the group name. This would be the default setting and would be great for most groups.

    For groups that are more advanced the admin could choose to enable multiple galleries and the group/gallery page would display the various galleries created for that group in order to navigate to the images.

    This way you keep the focus of the group to be the groups home page, I think it would create a better overall look and feel for most groups, which do not need multiple galleries and the layout would be less confusing for users, who in my world want to the the options easily laid out, ie form the home page seeing where the videos are, where the photo’s are etc as in links they simply click on. For most groups having to go to galleries then see these options is an additional click that is not needed.

    Also, I would give the group admin the ability to change the names of the gallery options, so one group might like to call its file gallery the “Library” as an example.

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    Venutius on #820

    I think when you are at gallery level and you press edit, it should allow you to edit the gallery settings – Name and description, as well as being able to edit the same for all the files in the gallery.

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    Venutius on #821

    Sorry if I’m flooding you with info.

  • Participant
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    Venutius on #822

    I think I spotted a bug. What is the expected behaviour when an individual who is not a member of a group wants to comment on an image? At the moment they get the option to comment but it comes up with an error. I think if they are not able to comment on the image then they should not get the option.

  • Participant
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    Venutius on #823

    When you upload images to groups, the images show up in the activity stream. When a user clicks on an image in the activity stream the enter comment dialogue box shows but there is no “Want to say Something, Founder?” text, I think this needs to be added.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24811
    Brajesh Singh on #832

    Hi George,
    thank you for testing and the valuable feedback. These will shape the future of the plugin.

    1. Enable gallery check box, I completely agree with you and Will have it in today itself. A mistake on my part.

    2. The preference is controlled by the Admin now. In the Group Galleries settings the new option you noticed is for this. You can either set the default state to yes or no. If you set no, only groups whose admins will manually enable the gallery, will have galleries.

    3. Though it is a good idea to allow group admins more control, we have to think about how much will be good. Providing too many settings will a bad usability for normal sites while a site aimed ad advance users may want more control. This is one thing that I have been thinking on and Though I am not 100% sure we should put it in core of MediaPress, we may have some sort of More Group controls plugin to address the need.

    4. Your view about the gallery tabs are justified and most of the people will actually find that more useful. My only concern is instead of doing it on per group or members, It makes sense to do it in global settings?

    5. Lighbox comment, needs testing and will do. Anyone should be able to comment. It is mostly the group setting and not the MediaPress. Seems like a bug

    Thank you

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