

[Resolved] MediaPress Lightbox 50/50 success/failure

  • Participant
    Level: Master
    Posts: 279
    Richard Foley on #13043

    hi Brajesh et al,

    I have MP working well, with images on my devices loading into the lightbox. It also works well on several other people’s various devices.

    However, multiple members on my site complain of the image link going directly to the author gallery, instead of the lightbox. This is understandably frustrating, and I have no idea why it works on some Windoze and not others, or why it works on some Linux but not others, or why it works on some Chrome but not others, Firefox is the same, etc. etc.

    Do you have any ideas of what might be causing this apparently random behaviour, or how we can remotely debug it? I cannot ask my site users to open up Chrome->developer, most won’t have a clue what I’m talking about, and on my devices the lightbox works fine.

    As always, many thanks in advance for any helpful suggestions.


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24787
    Brajesh Singh on #13046

    Hi Richard,
    I am sorry to hear about this.

    This should not happen randomly.

    You don’t need to ask users for providing the details, you can use a tool like

    to record user session and view if the error is happening and how are they able to create it. Once we get the idea, It can be easily fixed.

    Thank you

  • Participant
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    Richard Foley on #13057

    hi Brajesh,

    I agree, and that looks like a great tool to be able see what’s going on, at least for the first steps. Thanks for the tip, and if the users continue to see these issues, I’ll report back here soon with a URL of their screen for investigation.



  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24787
    Brajesh Singh on #13074

    Thank you.

    I am looking forward to it.


  • Participant
    Level: Master
    Posts: 279
    Richard Foley on #13105

    hi Brajesh,

    here are a couple of browser sessions – you can see that most of these links work:


    and most of these do not:


    The images are mostly the same selection.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24787
    Brajesh Singh on #13114

    Can you please use user switching plugin and check it? I am not sure whay will that happen.

  • Participant
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    Posts: 279
    Richard Foley on #13142

    sure, Brajesh, here’s a couple of recordings of several different random users:


    You can see the last one of 00:23 secs produces the popup as expected. This is the admin user.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24787
    Brajesh Singh on #13145

    Thank you.
    From the recording it looks like an issue with the status.

    From our above conversation, am I correct in assuming that the user is able to view the media on single page?

  • Participant
    Level: Master
    Posts: 279
    Richard Foley on #13157

    yes, the user can definitely view the media on the gallery page. When they click the image/link they are sent to the correct gallery page with the single media displayed. ‘As if’ the lightbox were switched off.

  • Participant
    Level: Master
    Posts: 279
    Richard Foley on #13158

    hi Brajesh,

    there has been some feedback from site users, and I’m posting this here as a sample, so you can see what they’re saying:

    <quote>Seeing Spider & Born Naked’s comments, I went testing; For my own galleries I get the lightbox if I click on a gallery cover picture or if, having clicked on the gallery name and thereby entered the gallery, if I click on a thumbnail within one of my galleries. However, I never get the lightbox anywhere else. I tested clicking on a friend’s gallery cover-picture, on the gallery name underneath or the word ‘view’ below that and all 3 have the same effect – I’m taken into the gallery (a page of thumbnails). If I click on any of those thumbnails then I am taken to a page headed by the picture owner’s details and a large version of the picture with a big blue ‘Report’ button underneath – the same as happens clicking on any picture that appears on the ‘Home’ page. So what is the difference between the code executed when I click on one of my own thumbnails compared to someone else’s – could the fault lie in the implementation of privacy rules? I have just tried your ‘test’ page – no lightbox for me!
    Just a final note – the picture size in the lightbox is a little disappointing, after all, isn’t the whole idea of it to get a clearer (larger) view of the picture?</quote>

    HTH. and looking forward to striking this one off the list…


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