

[Resolved] Mediapress – New Gallery, type field, options not displaying. plugin incompat

  • Participant
    Level: Master
    Posts: 413
    Venutius on #934

    A problem wherebye you cannot select the new media type option has cropped up on my main test system. It works of the light install, but not on a server with all my plugins installed on it. No idea which will be the culprit as yet.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24339
    Brajesh Singh on #936

    Hi George,
    Is it happening on the Admin MediaPress settings page?

  • Participant
    Level: Master
    Posts: 413
    Venutius on #937

    Note that page is fine

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24339
    Brajesh Singh on #940

    Then it is most probably a plugin conflict. I am sorry but unless I see it, I won’t be able to make much out of it.

    Please visit Dashboard->MediaPress->Tools and if possible, post the debug data here or somewhere else and link me here.

  • Participant
    Level: Master
    Posts: 413
    Venutius on #942

    I deactivated all the plugins except bbpress, buddypress and Mediapress, still no joy.

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  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24339
    Brajesh Singh on #945

    Hi George,
    There are too many plugins. Please PM me the admin details and I will look into the site. That will be much easier.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24339
    Brajesh Singh on #948

    Hi George,
    Thank you for the message.

    It was not a plugin conflict. The new MediaPress has introduced per component status/types support. So, after installing the MediaPress, admin needs to visit settings-> check the components and save. Then visit settings->Component( e.g Members/groups) etc and enable/disable supported types.

    You had it correctly installed but not configured. I just updated the settings. Please check if it is working. I am going to create a few video tutorials in upcoming days to make it easier.

    Thank you

  • Participant
    Level: Master
    Posts: 413
    Venutius on #951

    Aha! Thanks for finding that. It’s a good step forward as it means it will work on all my sites, which use a mixtue of these plugins.

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