

mediapress on sitewide and mediapress on subsites

  • Participant
    Level: Enlightened
    Posts: 24
    douglas on #1300

    Opening a new topic to understand the answer on a question I’ve asked in another topic.
    the question was:

    “”Having wp multisite and buddypress multisite, can I install mediapress on the subsites of my network?””

    The answer was:
    “”About Multisite, yes, it is recommended that you do not activate MediaPress network wide. Only activate on the sub sites you need it. It will work””.

    —– —– —–

    I’ll try to explain better wthat I need:

    The most important thing for me is having a sitewide gallery on the main site of my platform where I’m the only one able to upload pics and other members can just comments over the pics of that gallery;
    then, having a network of subsites or subcategories with wp multisite, I’d like to install/activate mediapress for having a personal gallery of each subsite where just the admin of that/those subsites can upload pics and the other members who visit that subsite can just comment over the pics.

    Mediapress sitewide gallery on main site:only the admin of main site can upload pics

    Mediapress on sub sites: admins of each subsite are the unique ones able to upload pics in the galleries of their own subsites.

    Is that possible?

    In short, I need each admin to be the unique one able to upload pics in personal site: mine is the main site being the admin of the network, and the subsites have their own admins who want to have their own mediapress galleries in their sub sites.


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24804
    Brajesh Singh on #1301

    Hi Douglas,
    Thank you for opening.

    Yes, It is possible and easy.

    All you need is sitewide gallery feature of MediaPress and not other features like BuddyPress.

    Simply activate MediaPress on the sites you or your admin will need and only you and they can create/upload. Make sure to disable Members/groups galleries from the MediaPress Settings.

    Just tested to make sure it works and It works on Multisite with that configuration.

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