

Mediapress Title and Redis Object Cache

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 15
    Obourgeois on #8932


    I am using Mediapress in a Multilingual buddypress site using Woffice theme
    All is working fine except the gallery index page listing all the galleries.

    On this page all the content is correctly translated into the different languages (with WPML) except the Title of the page that stay in English (my main language) on all languages.

    The title in English: “Galleries”

    If i deactivate the Object Cache the title is correctly translated into french (by example)

    I try to use different cache plugin (W3TC, Redis cache,…) and the problem is the same…

    With object cache activated the title stay in the main language.

    (!! the problem is only on this page and other titles are correctly translated for all other pages, post, … even if the Object cache is activated)

    Any idea ?
    Best regards
    Olivier Bourgeois

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24858
    Brajesh Singh on #8936

    Hi Olivier,
    is it only happening for MediaPress Gallery directory page or for the BuddyPress Members/groups directory too.

    It seems very strange since we don’t do anything special for the gallery title.

    Please check and let me know?

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 15
    Obourgeois on #8944


    Your are right ! the problem is the same for the members/groups directory:

    http://mywebsite/groups/ (title: GROUPS)
    http://mywebsite/fr/groups/ (Title GROUPS instead of GROUPES)

    and for members:
    http://mywebsite/members/ (title: members)
    http://mywebsite/fr/members/ (title: members instead of membres)

    I discovers the the title is the first one that is put in cache
    If i purge the cache and reload first the french page, the title is the french version in all languages
    if i purge the cache an load immediately the english version of the page the title is the english one in all languages

    And remember only if object cache is active and only for these index pages (all other pages, post, are switching correctly the title language

    (but Redis object cache is necessary in such website)

    Waiting your answer
    Best regards

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24858
    Brajesh Singh on #8973

    Hi Olivier,
    It seems to be a bug in BuddyPress core as the directory titles for all of these are handled by them. Which of the redis plugin are you using? wp-redis or redis-cache? I will try to recreate and then post on the BuddyPress trac

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 15
    Obourgeois on #8982

    yes it seems also a buddypress bug because i verify also yesterday that it is the same problem with the default theme …

    I try with “W3TC” or “Redis Object Cache” (By Till Krüss ) plugin and the problem is the same (seems not depend of the cache plugin you use) and important the problem is the same if you use Object cache on Disk or Redis …

    Inform me if you post on budypress trac (not do it 2 X)

    Best regards

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