Tagged: Mobile Theme, Responsive Community Builder
Hey guys,
I’m using a wrapper to put the theme into a mobile app, while the site is responsive, my audience are too used to FB and so I’m trying to replicate the same experience.
But, is there a way to make the site fill the screen, it just looks so blocked up.
and is there a better way I can handle images for specific devices/sizes? As I’m going to struggle to have an image that works in the current format.
Hi Graham,
Thank you for the topic.I am sorry for the inconvenience. The image should have scaled properly. It seems it did not scale. I looked at the code and I see that we are not using a different size for mobile screen(It is possible to do so using wp_is_mobile() )
I am planning to add another size( or use the thumbnail size for mobile screens) and scale using media query(need to test it). What do you think will be best suited for your site. Please do let me know and will have an update today itself.
Thank you
BrajeshPerhaps you could consider serving different sizes based on the screen sizes – something like this. https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2012/06/responsive-images-with-wordress-featured-images/#wordpress-responsive-images-making-it-work
This would be more responsive and allow better viewing experience?
Something I think you could add to the documentation – the best ideal sizes for featured images etc. Just like BP saying 1440×500 cover pages, it would be good to know from the community-builder point of view.
Thank you Graham.
It is a valuable link.We already have 3 image sizes and we may utilize that. I was also looking at solution using srcset since WordPress supports it for other post images.
I am going to experiment a little and will report back today with the update.
Hi Graham,
Thank you.I am sorry but I will need atleast one more day for it.
Thank you
BrajeshHi Graham,
My apologies for the delay. Just updating that we will be releasing an update today. I will update this topic again after the release.Thank you
BrajeshHi Graham,
How are you doing?I have pushed version 1.0.6 now. I am sorry it took a little longer than expected(even the changes are just minor). I had to go through various strategies and finally, settled down for the simplest one.
Please visit Customizer->Blogs->Misc and you will see an option that enabled/disables the fit to container setting for the featured image.
I suggest disabling it in your case. If you disable, the featured images use srcset and the browser detects and uses the best suitable image(This is default WordPress featured image way). The problem with this approach is that the image may not fill the whole width and that may make the site look odd at times. If you are uploading larger image, It won’t be an issue.
Thank you
BrajeshThanks Brajesh, I saw the update today and will be testing it this evening. Many thanks for sorting this.
Do you have any recommended image sizes?
Hi Graham,
Thank you.
Currently, we have it set asthumb – 525×180
featured-mid:- 782×18
featured-large:- 1220×180Other than that, WordPress will utilize any image size that you have in the Media settings page.
Thank you
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