

Move Profile Settings under profile menu (BuddyBoss)


  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 2
    fabio on #33319

    Hi, I am using BuddyBoss Platform and Theme. I just purchased your premium plugin BuddyPress group Tabs Creator Pro and I’d like to achieve the following task:

    Currently, in BuddyBoss the “settings” page is separate from the Profile page. I’d like to move the Setting page in the Profile Menu, like any other menu item (timeline, groups, email invite…)

    Here the structure:


    – Login Information
    – Email Preferences
    – Privacy
    – Group Invites
    – Export Data

    How can I achieve this?


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24802
    Brajesh Singh on #33322

    Hi Fabio,
    Thank you for purchasing User profile Tabs Pro(and group tabs pro).

    If you need to add the “settings” to the tab, It is simple. We can create a new tab and point that to settings url.

    Here is the setting for that

    Please do note that we are not adding any screen, simply creating a new Link to the actual Settings page.

    Let me know if that will work or not?


  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 2
    fabio on #33329

    Okay, thanks.

    What If, instead, I would like to add some of the main WooCommerce menu pages (such as: Addresses, or Payment methods) to the BuddyBoss Account Setting page menu?

    How can I do that?

    I know it is currently possible via the free plugin BuddyCommerce, however, I’d rather use only one plugin to manage these aspects.


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24802
    Brajesh Singh on #33343

    Hi Fabio,
    Even though ti Can do some of the part( rendering) via shortcode, It will not handle saving of the data .

    The BuddyCommerce is a specialised solution for WooCommerce and I will recommend using that.

    You can use it to show any content or render shortcode but if there is a form renderd, this plugin not not provide any handler for that. If the plugin which provided shortcode can handle the form anywhere, you can use that. For example, we used WordPress Jobs Manager and it worked.


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