

Moving Image Upload button into Activity Box.

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 5
    Dissolvanizer on #47809

    Happy New Year Brajesh and BuddyDev team!!!!!

    Check out this weirdness on https://positivity.link

    This one is not BuddyBuilder, It is Youzify.


    That’s strange isn’t it? I’m going to submit a post to Youzify and see what they say. I just kinda had a face palm moment when I activated youzify on positivity.link and the same thing happened as it did in BuddyBuilder 😀

    I’ll report in when either of the other plugins respond. Thanks!

    <3 BuddyDev <3

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24843
    Brajesh Singh on #47819

    Hi Dissolvanizer,
    Happy New year to you too!

    I am sorry for the issue. We have a conflict with Youzify. The Youzify template architecture if very dfferent from default BuddyPress and none of our plugins work with it.

    I or my team will try the BuddyBuilder plugin and try to resolve it with them if feasible. We will update you within next 2 days.


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