

Multisite / Multicomunity

  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 1
    Peter T on #5544


    I’m new to this forum and ar not sure where to put my question nor how to search if this question has been asked before.

    I would like to build a main organization with underlying district and clubs, which in turn
    has members.

    The idea is that districts should have their own landing pages and the same goes for the clubs.

    Members will be able to see the contents of all open content everywhere, but only his own club’s locked content, but also locked content for his district and the main organization.

    Can this be achieved with this plugin?

    Kind regards


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24835
    Brajesh Singh on #5545

    Hi Peter,
    Welcome to BuddyDev forums.

    If I understand, Is the structure like hierarchy

    –Organization 1
    –Organization 2
    —-District x
    —-District Y
    ——Club C in District Y
    ——Club D In District Y

    —so on

    You can achieve that with WordPress Multisite and WP Multi Network Plugin

    If you are looking to add social features to these sites, The BuddyPress Multi Network Plugin can handle for main site and organizations( 2 level ) but not beyond that.

    As far as I understand, You should use WP Multi Network and customize the BuddyPress Multinetwork for the purpose.

    Hope that helps.


  • Participant
    Level: Initiated
    Posts: 1
    Peter T on #5556

    Hi Brajesh!
    And Thank you 🙂

    Yes! It’s hierarchy but in this manner ..

    Site (HeadOrganisation)
    -District 1
    –Club 1.1
    –Club 1.2
    –Club 1.3
    -Distrikt 2
    –Club 2.1
    –Club 2.2
    –Club 2.3

    and so on …

    Members of Club 2.1 are members of District 2 and HeadOrganisation

    Members shuold have possibility to be member of sevral Clubs, but only have one club as primary club.

    If member of Club 2.1 and Club 1.3, you will be member of both District 1 and 2, but only have the same District as Primary as your Primary Club.

    A Club should have a possibility to be member of two districts but have to choose a primary district, the clubmembers will automaticly be primary members of the same district if it’s theirs primary club.

    It’s a little twisted but I hope you get it.

    And I hope that I can achieve all that with WP Multi Network?


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