

no link on buddyPress notifications widget title

  • Participant
    Level: Master
    Posts: 279
    Richard Foley on #18110

    hi Brajesh,

    I’m using your excellent little BuddyPress Notifications Widget plugin, *but* the only item I want to show is the title, (not the entire list of notifications). The issue is that when I list every notification, then each one is a link to the correct notification on the user profile. However, if I only show the title (with or without count), then the title is simply plain text, (not a link).

    To be clear, the TITLE text “You have 7 new notifications” or “Notifications (7)” needs to be a link to the user profile notifications tab.

    Am I missing the obvious way to fix this, or can you assist here?


  • Participant
    Level: Master
    Posts: 279
    Richard Foley on #18111

    hi Brajesh,

    update: I fixed this by modifying the file directly core/class-bp-notification-widget.php.

                    if ( ! empty( $instance['show_count'] ) && ( $count> 0 || empty( $instance['show_list'] ) ) ) {
    +                       $link = trailingslashit( bp_loggedin_user_domain( ) .  bp_get_notifications_slug() );
    +                       echo '<a href="' . $link . '">';
                            printf( __( 'You have %d new notifications', 'buddypress-notifications-widget' ), $count );
    +                       echo "</a>";

    Obviously this is a fudge for my case and it would be better integrated at your end. I also think it would be better if this was an “option” in the settings page, *or* default behaviour. The option would be best, if a little more work for you, of course 🙂



  • Participant
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    Richard Foley on #18112

    and while I’m at it, I’d like to suggest that you provide a shortcode option, or similar, so that it’s easy to place anywhere on the site, rather than just in the widget areas. Not sure how easy/practical that is, but it would certainly be useful.


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24476
    Brajesh Singh on #18118

    HI Richard,
    Thank you.

    I will add it as an option in the widget settings. About shortcode, I will consider it. We may not need it once wp 5.0 comes as you can embed widgets anywhere.


  • Participant
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    Richard Foley on #23048

    hi Brajesh,

    *bump* 🙂 did anything come of this?


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24476
    Brajesh Singh on #23066

    Hi Richard,
    Please give a shot to the current version. It includes the shortcode for showing notification.

    posted a about it on our blog last week.


  • Participant
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    Richard Foley on #23079

    hi Brajesh,

    oh, yes, interesting, I hadn’t seen the update. That’s *nearly* perfect.

    When I place the widget in my header, and in my footer both, I get:
    link(“Notifications (3)”)
    text(“You have 3 notifications”);

    and in the footer, I get:
    text(“You have 3 notifications”);

    What I’m after is:
    link(“You have 3 notifications”);

    If that makes sense?


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24476
    Brajesh Singh on #23092

    Thank you for the feedback. We will update it again.


  • Participant
    Level: Master
    Posts: 279
    Richard Foley on #26528

    hi Brajesh,

    did anything come of this, did you get to updating the notifications title/URL?


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24476
    Brajesh Singh on #26663

    Hi Richard,
    Thank you for the patience.

    Please upgrade to 1.3.2
    I have added the linking support in the notification widget.


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