

[Resolved] Pay Per Post by selling access with WooCommerce

  • Keymaster
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    Ravi on #43209

    Hello Niculae,

    Thank you for your patience. I have updated the plugin. Now the edit post screen also redirects to the checkout page or whichever is selected in the admin. A new product will be added to the cart only if not existed for the post. Please give it a try after removing the old one and let me know if it works for you or not.



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    Niculae Constantinescu on #43210
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    Niculae Constantinescu on #43211
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    Niculae Constantinescu on #43215
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    Tosin on #43216

    Hello Ravi,

    1. The settings option at Associate Product is suggesting pages instead of woocommerce products

    2. A missing feature for expiration date is needed. A post marked as sticky should not be permanent but a setting option to set the total amount of days a post can remain sticky is crucial. After the time duration is over the post should no longer be sticky.
    e.g Sticky duration = 30 days or 15 days depending on settings.

    3. The frontend user should have the option to make his/her post sticky – Kindly see screenshot for some ideas https://ibb.co/TLbb1BS


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
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    Brajesh Singh on #43227

    Hi Tosin,
    Thank you for the feedback.

    The current plugin is not going to support any feature other than selling the access to publish post.

    As discussed in this topic and the other one, we do plan to implement this and a few other things sometimes in future.


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
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    Brajesh Singh on #43228

    Hi Nicule,
    1. Please delete and re-upload for the timebing.

    2. “I went to another page without paying the article. The product is still in the cart” :- Is there anything wrong with it? Unless you remove it, It will stay in the cart. Or do you mean that product gets published simply when the article is in cart?

    4. Our plugin is not aware of GamiPress adding/deducting points on post delete/add. So, if you do not want that to happen, Plea contact GamiPress author. It is a general use case and does not have any bearing specific to our plugin.

    5. This is normal but we will try to improve it and at least show the deleted article or something on that line.

    8. same as 4.

    You will need to configure GamiPress to not re-add the points on delete.


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    Tosin on #43237

    Hi Brajesh,

    Thank you for the feedback, ill be patient till the better version is available.

    Can you fix the first issue
    1. The settings option at Associate Product is suggesting pages instead of woocommerce products
    see image at https://ibb.co/BPXncxD


  • Keymaster
    Level: Yogi
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    Ravi on #43250

    Hello Tosin,

    Sorry for the inconvenience. I have checked this and it is working fine for me. Please try after commenting custom code if any for pay per post then give it a try.

    If still facing the issue please try to debug with the following function ‘bblpro_ppp_get_products’ for getting products based on the search string.


  • Participant
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    Tosin on #43451

    Hello Ravi,

    This is now resolved the conflict came from my theme.


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