

Please Help with my proper setup with my multisite

  • Participant
    David Kakoczki on #34815


    I have a multisite with subdirectories. All site would be one, but I separated the parts to avoid plugin conflicts, but I would like to let the users use the whole site.
    The main site is the social network (beehive theme) the subsite has market and the other will be the quiz.
    I would like my users could use the whole site and if they will go to courses (on main site), they can pay in the main site’s shop, or if they go to the subsite’s market (which is a multi-vendor market with martfury theme) the shop get the users all data ( address , name, email…) and the profile same gets the orders downloads…to the profile. Same like buddycommerce with the main site.

    How can I do that? Because I think that tabs on the profile will be connected only with the main site’s woocommerce.

    I appreciate every help… I stuck and dont know how to set up this.
    Thank you.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24804
    Brajesh Singh on #34828

    Hi David,
    Welcome to BuddyDev support forums.

    WooCommerece shops/products etc are local to the sub site WooCommerce is active.

    BuddyCommerce uses WooCommerce’s API for fetching/updating data. Since the data is not available on your other sub sites, BuddyCommerec will not be able to work.

    In other words, your issue is to have the WooCommerece data on your sub sites. There is not much available for this.

    You may want to take a look at the current state of available plugins/solutions here.



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