

Pre-sale Question: Group Templates For Different Group Types Or Memberships

  • Participant
    Mike Ray on #34043

    Is it possible to have different group templates for different group types and/or membership levels with any of your plugins?

    Want I want to do is have different group tabs available/displayed for different group types and/or memberships.

    For example, let’s say a user registers for a Bronze level plan which would allow them to create a basic level (type) group. However, a Gold level plan would include extra functionality delivered through group tabs…like offering Zoom integration.

    Additionally, if a user upgrades from a Bronze to Gold plan, their group options would change accordingly.

    Eventually, I’d like to limit the group size based on these same factors: group type and/or membership.

    Is this possible with your suite of existing plugins? Is doing this through a membership plugin the better way to go instead of targeting group types?

    I would appreciate any advice.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24811
    Brajesh Singh on #34054

    Hi Mike,
    Welcome to Buddydev.

    We don’t have a plugin which allows it exactly as you need.

    We do have a plugin that allows you to restrict tabs based on user’s role.

    You will need custom code for restricting the group types and then deciding tabs based on group types.


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