

Profile tab settings

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    giuseppe on #44682


    really I don’t want to bother you again on this topic but I’m not able to set correctly the tab according to your instructions here: https://buddydev.com/docs/buddypress-user-profile-tabs-creator-pro/buddypress-user-profile-tab-options/

    This member is logged https://amodio.live/membri/supermercatodellefamiglie/ and his “prodotti” tab (added by a plugin setting tab “prodotti” and slug “prodotti” and position 1) is there (and the link works properly). Pls see screenshot: https://ibb.co/5KFjvmP

    Another member is logged (they are friend too) and has gone on the previous one member page but the tab “prodotti” of the first member is not visible. Pls see screenshot: https://ibb.co/VQNWhkF

    Here you can see settings for having the tab “prodotti” visible on some categories, including friends
    Here (first half): https://ibb.co/4FbfPLf
    And here (second half): https://ibb.co/FJXBDPN

    Settings seems correct to me. Could you please indicate me if it’s not?

    Many thanks,


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    giuseppe on #44714
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    Brajesh Singh on #44724
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    Brajesh Singh on #44762
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    giuseppe on #44771
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    Brajesh Singh on #44793
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    giuseppe on #44804
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    giuseppe on #44818
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    Brajesh Singh on #44820
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